BoyMeetsStyle is forever fashion friendly, but entirely style-centric. We look for style in all aspects of everyday life. Everything from street style and social media to the latest trends in music and pop culture.
Visiting BMS, means capturing, cultivating, and mastering your own unique sense of style and tone of voice. Boy Meets Style Media LLC is an online forum for entertainment and fashion. Through digital media, entertainment and our own special brand of e-commerce; we're working to produce content that speaks to a wide range of taste makers and forward followers.
BMS is a fledgling men's fashion forum operating online to introduce the newest and most noteworthy names in men's fashion. Creative consulting services include, Digital Media & Fashion Film, Styling, Creative Direction, and Event Planning.
Are you a designer, model, stylist, or photographer? We want to to feature you! To submit an Editorial/Fashion Spread, Request for Collaboration, or Consideration for Feature, don't heistate to contact us.