1 on 1 with Men's Fashion Designer, Sergio Wonder!
Watch now on BMS-TV! BoyMeetsStyle.com Contributing Editor, Georgio Richy chats one on one with Men's Fashion Designer, Sergio Wonder!
FEATURING: Designer, Sergio Wonder / @sergiowonder, Model. Mohamed Ouedraogo / @moseph_oreo
HOSTED BY: Georgio Richy / @georgio_richy,
DIRECTION: Vladimir Armand @boymeetsstyle / @vladimirarmand, Georgio Richy / @georgio_richy
VIDEOGRAPHY / IMAGES: Raphael Peralta / @goodtingzz, IMAGE ART: Vladimir Armand / @vladimirarmand
A WAVS Production for BOYMEETSSTYLE.com / @boymeetsstyle