"KIMMY. J’s FW/17 collection titled, “Dumpster Disposal Squad” is inspired by garbage collectors who pick up trash from door to door. The title uses Dumpster, to reference landfills, and Disposal Squads, to reference the collectors, personifying them as super heroes. The collection uses fun, energetic color palettes reminiscent of plastic, metal, and vinyl, juxtaposed against achromatic colors you find in refuse. Silhouettes include reinterpreted uniform shapes and feature details found in public goods."
Designer Heejin Kim, majored in integrated design in Yonsei University. Originally expressing her creativity through furniture design, Kim felt her artistic imagination was stifled, and 2013 launched KIMMY J. Kim aims to develop a witty collection for urban lifestyle using her structural design aesthetic. KIMMY J has previously showed in Seoul , New York and Paris Fashion Weeks.
-- BIO & Inspiration Courtesy of FACTORY PR